
Oswestry Show

Please join us for refreshments throughout the day, supported by our amazing team from our Oswestry mill.

Making Feed Work Harder

With feed and forage costs accounting for around a third of dairy farms’ total cost of production[1] , diets need to work hard to deliver cost effective results. Lloyd’s Animal Feeds are encouraging dairy producers to review their current Feed Conversion Efficiency (FCE), a key measure of the effectiveness of […]

Diversification Opportunity

The saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” has a certain irony when you consider the opportunity to diversify into Free Range Egg production. Dairy, beef and sheep farmers looking to buffer against increasingly volatile markets in the milk and meat markets are encouraged to look at free range […]

Milk Urea

Milk urea values provide us with a useful insight into the protein nutrition of the herd, but results should be interpreted carefully. Much of the protein entering the rumen is degraded to provide protein for the rumen microbes. This rumen degradable protein comes in many forms, but a large amount will be present […]

Dry matter losses

Dry matter losses in grass silage have been found to average 25% of the initial crop*. This is composed of harvesting, fermentation, effluent and aerobic stability losses. Avoiding these losses can result in substantial savings and a new calculator can help you quantify these savings on your own farm. Click […]